Myopia (Shortsightedness) is a disease.

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It has no early symptoms. Myopia is anticipated to become a leading cause of permanent blindness worldwide. If not controlled in time, they can lead to permanent visual impairments. Here are some of the increased risks when you have high degree of myopia:

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Usually, there are no symptoms or pain in the early stages of glaucoma. Many people don’t realise they have it until irreparable damage is already done. 150,000 Malaysians are undiagnosed. Are you one of them?

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This disastrous eye disease, which affects close to 1 in 3 older Malaysians, creates clouding in the lens of the eye. To maintain your clear vision, see your local optometrist, who can take a deeper look to detect and treat the causes of cataracts.

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Retinal Detachment

If you have high myopia, you’re at risk of being hit with the devastating effects of retinal detachment – which can lead to permanent blindness. Prescription of over -7.00D makes you 44 times more likely of getting retinal detachment.

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Myopic Macular Degeneration

This eye disease can decimate central vision and only an optometrist is able to spot its onset. One in seven Malaysians over 50 will be struck; early detection is key to avoiding catastrophe and saving your sight.

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Tilted Optic Nerve

High myopia is marked by the eyeball stretching and growing too long. This throws off the eyeball’s normal proportions, so that incoming light focuses in front of the retina, instead of on it. The elongation of the eyeball results in tilting and torsion of the optic nerve.

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You won’t see the eye disease coming. Start your myopia control management journey now. Saving every Dioptres (Degrees) reduce your child’s risks. Take care of your eyes while it is still good. Protect their eyes with myopia control now.